About Zumba Fitness?

The combination of Yoga and Zumba in a session provides a holistic approach to fitness on all levels Body, Mind, and Spirit and encourages the perfect yin yang balance to classes.


What are the benefits of Zumba Fitness?

Improved flexibility of muscles

Improved range of motion of joints

Improved posture and body alignment

Improved digestion

Improved circulation

Improved immune system

Enhanced function of neurological and endocrine organs

Prevention and relief from chronic pain syndromes

Prevention and relief from anxiety and pain disorders

Prevention and relief from depression

Prevention and relief from sleep disorders

Improved alertness and clarity

Increased ability to deal with short and long-term stress

Improved self-esteem

Decreased reliance on drugs

Greater energy and enthusiasm for life

encourages weight management

Helps Heart and circulatory health - helps raise the heartbeat.
Helps improve memory, concentration, focus and Discipline
Stimulates, tonifies stagnation in the bodies energy / meridian system
Helps improve and lift the mood, as it stimulates the Good Feeling Hormones in the body and allows you to Feel Happy

Flexibility and Motion are key to Joint Health

Staying in motion helps keep your tendons and ligaments strong, both of which are essential for mobility.  Use of joints naturally increases flexibility and strength, but motion also lubricates joints and can help reduce swelling and support the immune, circulatory and lymphatic system. 

Current lifestyles activities find us moving less and sitting more

Yoga and Zumba Fitness help build healthier muscles and bones.  Movement and Stretching to the muscles attached to the spine can help release tension from the vertebrae.  Nerves travel through the spinal cord to the extremities.  Therefore, this can enable the spine to relieve and release restriction that may comprise the vertebrae and nervous system and relieve pain. 

Zumba Fitness helps improve balance and posture

Simple acts like walking, standing or sitting actually require complex coordination of many muscles and sense organs. Regular exercise helps maintain the strength of these key muscles, as well as the cognitive processes that coordinate complex motions.  In general, Good coordination can help protect and prevent all kinds of injuries and help us stay more effective as we age

Regular yoga and Zumba also helps in weight management

Excess body weight can greatly increase the stress on joints like the knees, ankles and spine.  Maintaining a healthy weight can relieve strain on joints and reduce joint pain.

What do I wear to a Zumba Fitness class?

Something loose and comfortable that allows you freedom of movement. Most students prefer leggings and tops. Zumba is generally done in trainers..

The Science behind Happiness?

Happiness is an emotion, it’s created by the brain.
The neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, also known as “feel-good” chemicals, play a significant role in making this emotion. Therefore, activities that stimulate the production of these neurotransmitters can enhance our sense of well-being.
Zumba fitness, Movement to music can create this but also helps reduce joint pain symptoms almost immediately due to production of natural pain killers called endorphins,

music and movement helps to lift the spirit and smiles on people’s faces as it encourages the body to release endorphins.   When one is focused in their practice, it provides them with the opportunity to switch off from their worries, botheration and concerns.   When you feel good, you feel happy, the body, mind & spirit are lifted, strong and fit.  Movement to music helps create and encourages a positive mind-set and by the end there is a sense of achievement and satisfaction.
When one is happy the communication and engagement skills are naturally improved, healthier, more optimistic and positive and a sense of feeling good, this naturally gets emitted through the Aura and into your energetic field and is transmitted out around you.

Chair/seated Yoga and Zumba Fitness?

involves stretches and exercise to music.  It is a really fun way to help exercise, tone and strengthen muscles and improve your coordination.  It involves movement of the entire body — from your arms to your shoulders and to your feet.  You get a full-body workout that doesn't feel like work.  it Boost your heart health and the moves get your heart rate elevated and includes aspects of aerobic and anaerobic benefits .

When should you not do Zumba Fitness?
  • refrain from your regular Zumba class especially during your menstrual cycle (PMS) and during pregnancy perform asanas only after consulting your doctor and your teacher.

  • Don’t have a heavy meal just before or while doing yoga asanas, wait for at least 2 to 3 hours after eating heavy meals.

  • When suffering from fever, weakness or illness or any surgery refrain from Zumba Fitness.

  • You know your body best, consult your doctor before you start a Zumba Fitness class.

About the instructor

Benefits to Movement to Music

Movement to music benefits to flexibility and mobility

Balance and coordination

Science to Happiness

Imagine if you did this on a regular basis